Parish Council
The "voice of the people." It is the principal organization whereby parishioners, through their representatives, share in the life of the parish by means of consultation, planning, evaluation and recommendation. The Pastoral Council can have up to nine members whose term is three years.
Frank Fazzio, Liz Glassmeyer ,
Kim Lamping, Joe Motz, Patty Normile, Carol Whitaker
Mike Keating, Brian Wigger
Representative of Riverview Catholic Parish Council: Mike Kovasckitz
Social Activities
The purpose of the Social Committee is to plan and execute the parish social activities and celebrations.
Lisa Meiners & Chris Runtz, Chairs
Sick & Homebound
The Circle of Caring is a parish ministry that strengthens the relationship between the people in need and the broader St. Stephen community. The Circle reaches out to the sick, the homebound, and others
to provide a helping hand with a friendly face. Please contact the office and we will provide your information to
John & Pam Ring.
The Finance Committee advises and assists the pastor, pastoral administrator and parish council in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.
Mike Carwile, Mark Hall,
Vic Tenkman .
Brian Wigger, Mike Keating, Cheryl Carwile
The Bereavement Committee assists family members and clergy with funeral preparations.
Please contact the office (871-3373) and we will have one of our committee members contact you.
Call the Church Office
Wedding Coordinators
Our team of wedding coordinators assists the wedding couple and priest during the rehearsal and the wedding ceremony held at St. Stephen Church.
Please contact Diana if you would like to join our ministry. We welcome everyone!
Chi Chi Barnhorn, Chair
Liturgy & Worship
This committee assists the pastoral administrator with the planning and implementation of parish liturgies. This committee schedules Eucharistic Ministers, Servers, Lectors and Mass Coordinators. Please contact the office if you would like to share your time and talent.
Maureen Tenkman
Greeters & Ushers
The Greeters and Ushers Committee’s mission is to create a welcoming environment at parish liturgies.
If you would like to help, please contact the office at 513-871-3373.
Social Action
The Social Action Ministry brings awareness of the social justice teachings of the Cathokic Church by faciliating action through education, advocacy and service.
Vic & Maureen Tenkman, Chairs
Marketing & Public Relations
The marketing committee's goal is to increase SSC enrollment and increase mass attendance. We strongly believe that once people attend a mass a St. Stephen and experience the warmth and spirit of our community, they will come back!
If you would like to help, please contact the office at 513-871-3373.